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Products for everyday life

BRinova has 3 product lines for the B2C market: Benescent Line, Hort Line and Bene Oxy.

The BeneScent family has three products based on natural essential oils and nanoparticles: BeneScent OriginalBeneScent Gourmet and BeneScent Pet. They are odour blocking products, with effective and long-lasting action.

The Hort line is your kitchen’s biggest ally of hygiene and safety. Hort Limp is a food cleaning product, which eliminates micro-organisms harmful to health. Hort Pure is a remover of pesticides, chlorine and heavy metals, which makes food safer for consumption. Used together, they provide full security for your family’s health.

Bene Oxy PET is a powerful multi-purpose cleaner for cleaning surfaces and utensils used by your pet.

Produtos para o dia a dia
Follow the channels below and learn the most important tips to protect your home.
Sabor e Saúde

Sabor e Saúde

Experiences and tips for those who love cooking and know that the best taste requires hygiene care in its preparation and a kitchen always clean and ready to give wings to the imagination.

Mundo Pet

Mundo Pet

Information and tips on pet care to ensure you are free to play around the house without giving up hygiene and home protection.